SBRP Proposal

SBRP Proposal

An early sketch on how the user might user filters during the search flow Swiss Building Regulations Portal (SBRP) Proposal My role This was a self-directed research project. I conducted primary and secondary research to inform a robust project proposal that went on...
Swiss Building Regulations Portal (SBRP)

Swiss Building Regulations Portal (SBRP)

Swiss Building Regulations Portal (SBRP) My role This was a self-directed research and development project informed by my project proposal. I worked on low- to high-fidelity prototypes, user interviews, surveys, technology acceptance tests and information...
A Msytery Unfolded

A Msytery Unfolded

A Mystery Unfolded “In a cross-discipline team of 5 people, develop a game product that makes use of combined genre elements or themes to enhance the overall player experience.” My role Collaborated in a distance team with UX and Indie Game students Researcher,...